It’s in the Name

Tsisk’w translates to owl and Hit is translated to house in Tlingit, an Alaska Native language. The definition of knowledge: acts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education. I choose the name for the company because in Tlingit culture we are all born into a house and the Owl House is mine. For the majority non-Tlingit readers I have translated the name of the company to Owl House Knowledge.


Tsiskw Hit Knowledge is a business and professional development training company. Over 100 courses in a wide range of topics are available, in One and Two-day workshops formats, to choose from. All the content for the courses were created by Subject Matter Experts and designed and developed for the adult learner.

On-Site Training

All workshops are delivered on-site. I have delivered trainings across of the state. Clients have included: federal, state, and local government, oil, gas, & mining industry, and other for-profit and non-profit organizations.

Wide Variety of Topics

Business and Professional Skills

Whether it is a course to improve your business writing skills, learn how to be a better public speaker, deliver constructive criticism, or improve you emotional intelligence look no further.

Computer Skills

We have workshops to improve you skills in all of the Microsoft® Office Suite programs.


Crossing off those places on your bucket list? We offer classes in how to create a memorable trip here or abroad.